Atelier Nouveau Décor, 2007
The kitchen is a central and social place of a house. It should inspire and contribute to the pleasures of cooking. Even basic meals become exceptional thanks to the small attentions taken during preparation and presentation. In a studied environment, the choreography of the kitchen becomes a yearned-for pleasure; the kitchen is part of the morning’s rituals, and is the crossroads of the evening’s return. It also offers a favorable context in which to discover tools, utensils of quality and refined ingredients.Our conceptual approach is summarized by the re-contextualization of the "table runner". Traditionally, whether it is festive or not, one can find the meal's essentials on the table runner (salt, pepper, wine, bread, cheese, etc.) The table runner is, to some extent, the focal point which will create enthusiasm for the coming meal. This atmosphere is transposed in the "table runner" concept, which combines user-friendliness and organization. The work surface is evolutionary and allows personalization; the surfaces are divided into two by a service trench, the specifications of those services is done at the order and/or afterwards.